2011-09-14 - Pimmit Hills Loop


~3 miles @ ~10 min/mi

Sidewalk stumble: as usual, balance goes as the end of the run nears. A crack in the pavement catches my left big toe and to the ground I tumble. A robin's-egg bump immediately rises on the left forearm (ulna side), plus bonus scrapes on heel of the right palm and outside of the left calf. Ouch!

It's the first excursion from the new job. I join the Fitness Center on Monday, and yesterday's yoga class is encouraging. Today the computer folks ask me to stay logged off while they fix my user ID, so instead of lunch there's a chance to do a jaunt around the neighborhood. Exiting at the loading dock I meet a sweaty runner coming into the building, Darryl, who confirms the local course. "Route 4 - 3.0 miles, some hills" as the list says, sent to me by the yoga instructor gym supervisor. South on Anderson Rd to its end, then southwest on Pimmit Dr, north on Griffith Rd, and back to the start northeast via Magarrity Rd. The second half follows the 3T Metrobus route that's already familiar from several commutes. "Griffith Park" is a flea compared to the elephantine version in Los Angeles. Total time 27:21

^z - 2011-10-01